- Importance of SEO
Search Engines contribute to almost 45% of the traffic to a site and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most powerful marketing channels, as it specifically targets people who are already in need of a product, through search.
At AIE, we specialize in:
- Understanding, establishing, and baselining a SEO Strategy for our customer’s websites
- Creating repeatable SEO audit mechanisms to identify areas impacting Search Engine Results Page (SERP) performance
- Recommending corrective steps
Our first step is to initiate a holistic site-audit, collect information around relevant areas and then build a SEO strategy
Step 1 – Understand the customer site
This phase establishes the key objectives
Step 2 – Identify Issues & Challenges
- Create audit checklists which will help identify site issues & challenges
Step 3 – Find Opportunities
A sample of tools that we would use is listed below:
Findability Checks refer to how easily website information can be found by both search engines and website visitors. Here we audit how accessible your website’s content is to external bots and internal users
The structure of your website is incredibly important for search engines to properly rank it. Through Architectural Audits, we cover the necessary checks to ensure it’s setup properly.
We perform URL Analysis to analyze a website’s URLs for proper optimization
We analyze individual pages in bulk to uncover issues with the site through On-Page SEO
SEO Equity refers to the power of your website and how well it’s being distributed across pages. We perform SEO equity checks to ensure it’s not bleeding out.